Alam Avani's static trommel screens can be used for fine screening on landfill sites,

for screening of the organic fraction in Mechanical-Biological-Treatment (MBT) plants, in

recycling plants, in waste wood processing, automobile recycling plants, tyre recycling

plants and for other separation and sorting applications. The rotating drum can even

screen the most difficult materials making the best possible use of the load-sensing

material feed and the large screening surface. The screens with modular design can be

adjusted to special tasks. Optional cleaning systems (brush or drum scraper) are also

available. The machines are mounted on substructures which are adapted to the project.

The screens can be used either with belt discharge or as a hopper machine.



  • (MSW)Municipal Solid Waste & (RDF) Refused Derived Fuel (C&D) Construction & Demolish Waste
  • Compost, Mulch, Gravel, Minerals, Top Soil & more
  • Wood Chips, Biomass, Sawdust & more
  • (TDF) Tire Derived Fuel, Tire Chips & Crumbs
  • (ASR) Automotive Shredder Residue & Metals, etc.

Technical Data

MODEL TS 1240TS 1660TS 2080TS 2210
DriveElectricElectricElectric Electric
Power (HP) 10 1520 25
Drum Dia (mm)120016002000 2200
Drum Length (mm)40006000800010000
Drum Speed (rpm)18151515
Screen TypePreforatedPreforatedPreforated Preforated
Screen Size (mm)6-1006-1006-100 6-100
Drum TypeShaftlessShaftlessShaftlessShaftless
Drive Type Chain Chain Chain Chain


  • Our screens are extremely efficient, generally cheaper and easy to maintain
  • They can handle a wide range of material and can easily break compacted material
  • Our screens causes less noise and are mechanically more robust
  • Our system can be easily set up near the source of solid waste material
  • It is built to handle a huge range of capacities up to 50 tons per hour
  • Static
  • 6-100mm screen
  • 6-10mm drum thick
  • Electric plug & play


  • Friction Drive or Chain Drive
  • Cleaning brush and scrapper for fine screens
  • Options feeder attachment, In-feed & Discharge Conveyors
  • VFD/PLC interface & remote monitor with Alam Avani RMS
  • Optional Gen-set
  • Automatic greasing system
  • Foundation free chassis


We provide our customers with a high quality service, where our highly trained and skilled engineers and electricians are available on request. Our technology partners are experts within their fields and share our enthusiasm and drive to ensure that our customers come first and receive a high quality and professional service at all times. Our team’s knowledge and experience ensures that our customers receive not only a high quality product but also an exceptional customer service. We offer expert advice on the running and maintenance of your recycling plant.


Alam Avani offers a full range of original spare parts for any part of your recycling plant. Our excellent spares department provide a fast delivery service on all our parts. Our range of spare parts include: Drive motors, Drive gearboxes, Centre rollers, Return rollers, Turning wheels, Bearings, Grease pots, Chains and much more.